Supporting the Polar Bears and the Cairngorm Reindeer

If you travelled with us this year on board THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride you may have noticed our new plastic bags available to buy in the gift shop.

At PNP Events ltd we all agreed that single use plastic bags were not something we wanted to use for our THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride event. Not only are they bad for our environment, we want to do more to improve our environmental footprint our event creates. Because of this, we did some research on our best options for an environmentally friendly and useable plastic bag that suits our event, and we found our new biodegradable plastic bags!

Not only are the new plastic bags large enough to fit in a wide variety of goodies from our on-site shops, 5p from every purchase of our large bags went towards the WWF Save The Polar Bears campaign and 5p from our small bags went towards supporting the Cairngorm Reindeer Herd. Stationed at The North pole, we of course couldn’t turn a blind eye to our neighbours we share our land with!

Polar bears in the wild. A powerful predator and a vulnerable or potentially endangered species.

Now more than ever, we wanted to do our bit to support our friends in the North Pole, Polar Bears depend on their habitat of sea ice to survive, and their sea ice is disappearing with a 40% decline in the last 30 years. Without this sea Ice the arctic eco system will be thrown out of balance and this will lead to dangerous consequences the polar bears will have to search elsewhere for food and shelter. The WWF Website states “We need to minimise the warming that’s melting the polar bear’s habitat: sea ice. To do this we’re working to help cut the global greenhouse gas emissions and encourage the switch to renewable energy.” To find out how WWF work to save the Polar Bears and what your funding does by adopting a polar bear, head over to:

Of course, we had to support the reindeer as they work so hard over the Christmas season, helping Santa deliver Christmas presents around the world. The Cairngorm reindeer, found in the Cairngorm mountains in Scotland, are Britain’s only free- ranging herd of reindeer.

We can’t thank our customers enough for visiting us this Christmas and purchasing one of our biodegradable bags and helping us support the polar bears and the Cairngorm reindeer herd. With your help we raised £183 for WWF to help save the polar bears and £143 for the Cairngorm reindeer herd.

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