Make sure you’re ready for THE POLAR EXPRESS Train Ride 2020!

This is definitely the most important thing you can do to make sure you are ready for when tickets are released. Sign up at The Polar Express Newsletter where you’ll be the first to know when tickets go on sale.

Find out about your local heritage railway

For some people, the Polar Express at Wensleydale is the only time they will go on a real steam train each year. But it doesn’t have to be! Be sure to visit Wensleydale Railway throughout the year! They offer events all year round. If your little one’s favourite part of the Polar Express is seeing the train pull in this is a great way to revisit the magic.

Make some family time

The most magical thing about Christmas is bringing loved ones together. On the Polar Express, thousands of families visit each year – and many of you bring the extended family too. Even though you have 11 months to wait until the festive season you could still keep the magic alive this way. You could organise a family charades night, a pot luck dinner, or even go on a walk and enjoy the local area.

Join a choir or community group

Singing is great for your mental health. Many choirs open their doors to families at all times of the year. If your family loved the singalong carols onboard the Polar Express this is the perfect way to combat January Blues. Plus, you can show off your new skills when you’re on board later this year!